Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Happens in Vegas...

In case you forgot, I got Ethan a trip to Vegas for his birthday!! After about a month of waiting, we finally got to cash it in, yippee!!

We stayed at the Excalibur which was fairly nice, but I probably would have picked something more central to everything next time. We got there at night time, and went to dinner at Rainforest Cafe. Ethan hadn't been there before, and I wanted the trip to be full of fun, and exciting experiences.

The next morning, we woke up pretty early and walked a couple miles down the strip to the wax museum. I have always wanted to go to something like this, and Ethan and I both got a kick out of it. It was kind of creepy at first because we were alone with the wax figures in most of the rooms, but once we started being in the same room as other people, I wasn't so weirded out haha

I got to meet my bestie Taylor Swift. 

Ethan got close and personal with the Blue Man Group before their show later that night. 

We waited for Elvis to renew our vows at the little wedding chapel, but he was no where in sight. 

We took a picture with Tim McGraw for my mom because he's her favorite. But also because it was foreshadowing our summer plans... 

Of course, I had to hang with the Biebz before heading out... and then we headed to our next adventure on the stip... M & M world!!

Of course we hit up the Photo Booth and got M & M's in our favorite color. 

We headed to CSI: The Experience next. While we both love CSI, and all shows that are criminal centered, this was kind of a disappointment. It was ridiculously easy to find the clues, and wasn't much of a challenge, but it was still fun to do together. 

Ethan has been begging me for months to take him to a Vegas buffet. We decided to go to the MGM since my parents suggested it, and he was in heaven with all that food. The food was good, but buffets are not my style. They are very overwhelming to me. However, Ethan gave it two thumbs up, and crossed it off his bucket list. 

After that, we went back to our hotel room to change and get ready for the two shows we had later in the evening. We chose to go see The Mentalist (kind of like a magic show) at 7pm at Planet Hollywood, and the Blue Man Group at the Luxor... 2 miles away... at 9pm. We knew it would be a close call, but figured what the heck! And booked them both. 

There's actually a tv show about The Mentalist that the headliner helped produce, so Ethan and I started watching the first season. The show was good, and was more 'mind magic' than watching things disappear. It definitely made me squirm several times. 

After our show, we booked it to New York New York to hop on the monorail tram to the Luxor, it saved us a few minutes, and we got to the Blue Man Group right on time. 

When they handed out neon crepe paper for us to wear around our heads, I realized that this show wasn't just musical like I anticipated. It was sketch comedy, and while I really enjoyed it, I definitely was not expecting it. These guys were hilarious... but only from afar. When they started crawling through the audience for volunteers, I was slightly creeped out by their expressionless masks. 

The show was incredible and ended in the blue men the audience. 

Overall, it was a blast and Ethan was grinning ear to ear. I can't say I won't go again just to see that smile. It was well worth the wait... and money. 

After the show, we went into the shop to grab Ethan a shirt, when Ethan turned around, one of the guys was right there. We took a picture and smiled, even though he didn't. 

We took one last selfie with the Luxor hotel and kissed the night goodbye. We headed back to our hotel and passed out after our long tourist-packed day. Ethan said he definitely wants to go back!

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