Saturday, June 4, 2016

Alec's Graduation

Alec and I have always been very close, but as if leaving to college didn't make it difficult enough to make it home for all the major events back home, getting a big kid job where I have limited vacation days really made it rough. 

Alec graduated from high school over Memorial Day weekend, and I started my new job just two weeks previously. I requested the time off,  but my boss said it probably wouldn't work out. I was devastated, but tried to work through every situation in my mind of how to get to the graduation. The Thursday before Memorial Day, I realized that it was't going to happen. After attending all of the major events in Alec's life, I wouldn't be there for this one. I was probably crushed more than he was. 

Friday rolled around, and five minutes before my shift ended at 6:25pm, I jokingly asked my managers if I should start driving to California for the weekend to make it to the graduation. My manager looked at me and said "Actually, I can take your shift. Go for it." 

I pretty much freaked out, I knew I would be there for Alec. And so Ethan and I ran home to pack and were out the door and on the road by 7 pm. 

Ethan is actually the best human in the world for driving to and from California all the time for me.