Saturday, June 4, 2016

Alec's Graduation

Alec and I have always been very close, but as if leaving to college didn't make it difficult enough to make it home for all the major events back home, getting a big kid job where I have limited vacation days really made it rough. 

Alec graduated from high school over Memorial Day weekend, and I started my new job just two weeks previously. I requested the time off,  but my boss said it probably wouldn't work out. I was devastated, but tried to work through every situation in my mind of how to get to the graduation. The Thursday before Memorial Day, I realized that it was't going to happen. After attending all of the major events in Alec's life, I wouldn't be there for this one. I was probably crushed more than he was. 

Friday rolled around, and five minutes before my shift ended at 6:25pm, I jokingly asked my managers if I should start driving to California for the weekend to make it to the graduation. My manager looked at me and said "Actually, I can take your shift. Go for it." 

I pretty much freaked out, I knew I would be there for Alec. And so Ethan and I ran home to pack and were out the door and on the road by 7 pm. 

Ethan is actually the best human in the world for driving to and from California all the time for me.

This drive was slightly more eventful than usual. Around 3am, we were in Cedar City, Utah and realized our tire was on the verge of a blowout. Ethan quickly changed the tire, but it was a huge setback, so we decided to spend the night in a hotel before driving the rest of the way. 

Since it was Memorial Day weekend, everything was booked, but we found one room available. By the time we got there, we were ready to roll into bed. Upon opening the door, I quickly realized this would not be happening. It appeared as if cockroaches had checked in before us. I had a mild panic attack, we got a refund, and decided we were awake enough to continue the drive through the night.

After a few more tiny adventures, we rolled into the desert around 10am, exhausted. We surprised Alec, but he didn't act that amused because, in his words, "You're always there." I'm glad he realized that we will always be there for him. 

The weekend was too brief, but we were able to make it to Alec's graduation and that was all that mattered. He literally walked across the stage, and we walked out the door. He walked at 7, and I had to be at work by 8 the next morning. We booked it from the graduation ceremony, and made the 14ish hour drive back to Idaho. With the time difference, we made it just in time. 

I am so glad we were able to make it just in time to support Alec at another important life event. I'm also grateful I have a husband who is willing to drive to and from California twice in the same month because he genuinely cares about what is important to me. 

Before his graduation ceremony, one of my best friends, Meagan, 
took these pictures of Alec since we both graduated this summer.

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