Saturday, August 13, 2016

Alec's Farewell/MTC Drop Off

*This is a very long blogpost, but I want to document every bit of these memories, if it's too long for you to hear all the nitty gritty details, skip to the last few paragraphs where I causally bear my soul

The series of events that led to Alec leaving for his mission were nothing short of exciting. Alec submitted his mission papers shortly after graduating high school. We were expecting to hear his report date and where he would be serving around the 4th of July. I even brought my laptop to our hotel the weekend of the 4th just in case we needed to Skype last minute. 

Weeks rolled by and we were all wondering how long the mail really took to get a couple states away. Long story short, on Wednesday,  July 13, we found out that mail doesn't take that long. Instead, his mail got lost in the mail. We found this out through an email Alec received welcoming him to the Idaho Pocatello Mission. We all thought it was a joke because Ethan and I live 15 minutes away from the boarder of his mission and our family is known to play pranks. *cough cough Mark*